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Too Loud? Too Bad! Do loud exhaust systems on motorcycles make a difference in saftey?

19 Oct

Ever been driving down the road and heard a screaming rumble
that interrupted your phone call? Well get off your phone and pay attention
cause that noise is more than likely a motorcycle, but not all motorcycles make
as much noise as that beast pulling up beside you. So now are those pipes
necessary, some of us rides would say so and some would not. I can speak from
experience and say they do help you get noticed more on the road. When it comes
down to it both sides could be right, lets figure out who is.

Talking. Why do it in your sleep?

19 Oct

Ever wake up having someone tell you that you talk when you sleep, but yet have no recollection of doing such a thing. Don’t you think you’ve talked enough during the day, so why carry conversations in your sleep?

 Sleep talking is  a type of parasomnia, which occurs in a lot of people in various age groups. According to WebMD, 1 and 10 talk for about 20 to 30 seconds in a language that is undefinable while asleep. Usually sleep talking can be utterances of words or random sound effects.  Check this out :

Gym Memberships Increase as New Year Rolls Around

19 Oct

Right after Christmas passes we all make these little things called New Year Resolutions, but seem to give up on them as a couple of months go by.  One resolution that many people make is to get into better shape so many people become members of different gyms.  Studies show that this is why gym memberships increase tremendously around the New Year Time period.

Death By Peanut! What causes allergies and why are they such a life-threatening issue?

19 Oct

Studies have shown that 55% of the American population suffers from allergies and the number seems to be climbing ( )

Allergic reactions can be fatal if they are severe enough and should not be taken lightly.  Researchers have concluded what allergic reactions actually are, what happens, and even ways to quell the reaction until further assistance can be reached such as EpiPens ; but what causes these allergies? Why do people develop allergies to foods, pollen, and pet dander? Which allergies are acquired from birth and which allergies are acquired later in life?

Why do people pace while talking?

19 Oct

Seeing my little cousin pace the floor while she’s on the phone makes me wonder what causes it. Is she nervous or excited about the
conversation she’s having? She paces during every telephone call she has which poses the question is it just because she is receiving information or telling information that wasn’t known by the other person. People have brought up the question to why people pace but it seems as if no one knows the real reasoning behind it.

Why not official until on Facebook?

19 Oct

Have you ever heard of the saying “is it Facebook official yet?”  Many people of different ages have a Facebook account and check it numerous times a week and find out a lot of information about friends, classmates, employees, and even family members.  When teens asks other teens about relationships you hear, “is it Facebook official yet?”  Why can’t something be true without being on Facebook first?

Can chocolate really be harmful?

19 Oct

People have always stated that feeding your dog’s chocolate can kill them.  Some studies have been done that say there are ingredients in chocolate that are toxic to dogs but there are other studies that say only certain chocolate that are toxic to dogs.  The toxicity of chocolate is said to be the reason why chocolate can be lethal or not to dogs.  So are the ingredients in Hershey’s chocolate more or less toxic than the ingredients in richer chocolates?

Who really drives sports cars?

19 Oct

When you see a speeding, smooth sailing, clean polished, brand new Corvette coming toward you on the interstate what do you expect to be driving it? I expect a young attractive person that is in the prime time of their life but I am mistaken. It might be me but it seems as if every sports car on the road that is well kept is driven by an old man. Dr Michael Dunn says women are attracted to men in expensive cars but how old do these men have to be to afford them?

Emotional Messes- Why Are Some People More Emotional Than Others?

19 Oct

After experiencing any emotional situation, two reactions are seen in the people coming out of it: those who are expressing their emotions and those who appear to be unaffected. Some studies give differing reasons to try to explain this ( Chapter 12, Page 325) ) but is there a universal connector between these people who strongly feel all of their emotions?  Is it differences in hormone levels, their past experiences, age, or some other element?  What causes some people to more openly show their emotions while the others “hold it in”?

Do video games affect our social lives?

19 Oct

In today’s generation, we find more and more kids sitting
alone in their basements playing video games for hours every day. They become
so addicting; it consumes some of their lives. They chose to sit alone playing
in a virtual world, instead of interacting in the real world. Does this affect
their social abilities? Do gamers tend to be more quiet and shy? Can gamers hold up a conversation with someone before they get bored? Do they prefer their online characters over real life people? Do they lose friends from constant gaming?